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Access is the Stand alone database. It can be used to automate the daily manual tasks of Excel. Access automation software process data too faster compared to Excel automation.

ClusterAnalysis Python

Cluster Analysis covers the unsupervised machine learning technique module. Here You will learn both K Means and Hierarchical Clustering end to end implementation using Python.

ClusterAnalysis R

Cluster Analysis covers the unsupervised machine learning technique module. Here You will learn both K Means and Hierarchical Clustering end to end implementation using R.

ClusterAnalysis SAS

Cluster Analysis covers the unsupervised machine learning technique module. Here You will learn both K Means and Hierarchical Clustering end to end implementation using SAS.


Excel is the powerful spreadsheet application program developed by Microsoft. It is most widely used in almost all industries and domains. Excel is used in MIS, Reporting, Analytics or we can say everywhere. So learn Excel to apply stars to your career.

Excel VBA

Excel VBA is used to automated the excel task and enjoy the accuracy with lesser time.

Job Preparation

Job course will help students to get ready for Job. After learning their dream technologies, they need to get the job and this course will explain step by step all tips and trick to grab the job.

LogisticRegression Python

This course covers the Logistic Regression predictive modelling using Python. Here you will learn everything to finish Logistic Regression project.

LogisticRegression R

This course covers the Logistic Regression predictive modelling using R. Here you will learn everything to finish Logistic Regression project.

LogisticRegression SAS

This course covers the Logistic Regression predictive modelling using SAS. Here you will learn everything to finish Logistic Regression project.

Power BI

Power BI is one of power full visualization software used in data analytics industry. It is widely asked by almost all organization.


Python is one of powerfull languages which is all rounder. It used in Web development, Big Data Analytics with Hadoop and Analytics. It is open source programming language. Start learning Python to add power to your career.


R is the open source Analytics solution used by organizations. It is one of the demanding analytics solution software in the analytics industry. Learning R, adds the one more golden rating star to your resume.

RegressionAnalysis Python

Regression Analysis is the ML technique to predict the continuous values. In this course, you will learn to predict the values using Regression in Python.

RegressionAnalysis R

Regression Analysis is the ML technique to predict the continuous values. In this course, you will learn to predict the values using Regression in Python.

RegressionAnalysis SAS

Regression Analysis is the ML technique to predict the continuous values. In this course, you will learn to predict the values using Regression in SAS.


SAS is the business analytics software. This SAS video tutorial covers SAS Base and Advance both. You will start learning SAS from starting to end with implementation in live scenarios.

SQL Server

SQL Server is the powerful database. You will learn implementation of SQL Server in Analytics, Reporting and MIS job profile


Tableau is one of the best visual analytics software which makes shows data in a great way.

TimeSeriesForecasting Python

Time Series forecasting is used to forecast the values based on time. Here you will learn Time Series forecasting ARIMA and ARIMAX implementation using Python. Everything will be real scenarios-based implementation to make you feel experienced.

TimeSeriesForecasting R

Time Series forecasting is used to forecast the values based on time. Here you will learn Time Series forecasting ARIMA and ARIMAX implementation using R. Everything will be real scenarios-based implementation to make you feel experienced.

TimeSeriesForecasting SAS

Time Series forecasting is used to forecast the values based on time. Here you will learn Time Series forecasting ARIMA and ARIMAX implementation using SAS. Everything will be real scenarios-based implementation to make you feel experienced.

All courses are given 365 days tutorial access

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